Startup Zone CEO Patrick Farrar recently went to Montreal to participate in the 2019 Canadian Ecosystem Gathering.
In collaboration with Startupfest and the Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes (SQRC), Mangrove brought together 34 leaders from 13 cities across 6 provinces throughout Canada to participate in the first Canadian Ecosystem Gathering. Together, the participants discussed collaboration between innovative ecosystems across the country.
After a short portrait of Canada’s entrepreneurial ecosystem by Startup Canada and a case example of collaborations inside an ecosystem by Bonjour Startup Montreal, the leaders were divided into three discussion groups.
The leaders discussed what “collaboration” is all about: what good and bad collaboration look like, barriers to collaboration, what collaboration looks like in the Canadian ecosystem, and what concrete actions we can take to improve collaboration.
This document is a collection of the discussion highlights and key takeaways from the event!
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